Message 997 : What I expect from a warrior (Vainamoinen) Written on Wed Jun 2 13:52:36 1999 WHAT I EXPECT FROM A WARRIOR This is just a quick note on what kind of warrior is most useful for grouping and I think by following these guidelines only your experience will limit your abilities on MUME. This has been written especially for high level (20+) warriors, but might offer valuable information for low levels too. Warrior can have three purposes in a group, a buffer, a basher, or just a plain hitter. BUFFER As a buffer your primary purpose is to keep the enemies engaged to yourself. Best thing to achieve this is to be leading the group or practise rescue high. As leading is something that requires experience and area knowledge, it is often not an option. If you have rescue, you can rescue people that get hit, but it causes thw rescued person to lag for a couple of seconds which is not always desirable since he can get attacked again while lagged. There is other way to use rescue though. The 'protect' command will let you set a group of players that you are guarding from attacks automatically. Thus if a person set on this list is getting attacked, you will try to intercept the blow. The success depends on how high you have practised rescue and on how many people you are trying to protect at the same time. It is usually best to only protect the leader of the group if he agrees on that, and use manual rescue on others that want it if necessary. A successfull buffer is expected to have plenty of hitpoints and either extremely high defense(db+pb) or good set of metal equipment and high absobtion. I always prefer the hitpoints+metal combination because then it does not matter so much how many opponents you are buffing at the same time. BASHER Basher won't necessarily have to buffer anything, just keep the opponents bashed. To become a good basher you need to have a decent offensive bonus so your bashes won't fail, and a fast enough link since you have to bash again every time the opponent regains from the bash. In group fights it is also essential to pay attention to which of the opponents should be bashed most. This is usually the toughest opponent. It is also vital to learn to use 'bash disengage' (bash dis or bd for short). This command will disengage the target from fight. The duration of bash dis is only half of normal bash, but it is especiallY effective when used together with blind. You would just stand and pay attention for opponents that get blinded, and then bash dis them. Sometimes it is hard to tell the opponents from each other though, so it is possible to jsut keep bash disengaging every opponent(1.troll, then 2.troll, 3.troll, again 1.troll, etc) while blinders do their job. As you are not necessarily buffing or getting hit when bashing, you can do well without metal equipment or defense. HITTER This is the most straightforward way to play a warrior. In group this usually means to just cause as much damage as you can and reduce the victim's parry. COMBINATION The most useful group member is of course one which is good at all three categories mentioned above. This means having a good amount of hitpoints, a good set of metal equipment, a good shield and parry weapon, and optionally a spare set of leather equipment and another weapon to deal maximum damage when needed. A telnet client can be helpful when switching from one set of equipment to other, though MUME aliases can get you far too. ALIASES I would also like to give some examples of useful alias combinations for different purposes(these are all MUME aliases). >alias qbash alias q bash >alias qbd alias q bash dis About to fight an orc group while having blinders, you enter >qbd &.orc And in the fight you do (repeatedly if needed) >q 1 >q 2 >q 3 >q 4 If group members want rescues when needed, it makes things faster to set aliases to rescue them before getting into fight. There are many ways to set aliases for multiple persons, I use 're' followed by one or more of the first characters from the person's name for rescue, and 'as' followed by same characters for assist: >alias rev rescue vainamoinen >alias asv assist vainamoinen Good luck!