MUME Journal README v0.5 command-line options: ./ -h, --help Displays the help screen. ./ -S, --status ([#]) *Displays journal statistics. (Chronologically) " -SA ([#]) (Alphabetically) " -SR ([#]) (by Rank) ./ -u, --update [category] [data] Adds journal entry under the one word category. ./ -R, --remove [entrynumber] Removes an entry. ./ -v, --view [entrynumber] ([endnumber]) Displays a single entry. (Or a range of entries.) ./ -r, --read [category] ([#]) *Displays an entire category. (Negative to show tail.) ./ -s, --search [term] ([#]) *Searches journal for term and displays results. ./ --purge [category] Removes an entire category. * Optionally, you can add a number argument to only display part of the results. 1 means display the first 20, 2 the second 20, 3 the third, etc... 20 is only the default, you can change this via the 'displaylength' variable. Negative numbers can be used to display the tail: -1 means the last 20, -2 the second to last... 'entrynumlength' sets the number of digits the entry number will be displayed as. Setting 'showinfo' to 0 will hide the title and blank line to reduce spam. 'statusdisplay' can be set to 'long' (1 category per line) or 'short' (3 categories per line). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !!! If you are having trouble loading the journal, make sure you have journalpath/journalfile set correctly and/or if your journal file is actually located there!!! These variables (journalpath/journalfile) can be found near the top of the source code ( -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXAMPLE USAGE from within powwow ('Tabris' is my character and is also the category in this case): #! ~/mumejournal/ --update Tabris Grouped with Manwe and CryHavoc, gained 100 levels. #! ~/mumejournal/ -u Tabris Killed Balrog with Dain. #! ~/mumejournal/ --read Tabris #! ~/mumejournal/ -r Tabris -1 #! ~/mumejournal/ --view 1 25 #! ~/mumejournal/ -S -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLIENT INTEGRATION The point of the program, of course, is to be able to use mumejournal from within the client. In powwow/ powtty you can make an alias such as this: #alias journal={#! ~/mumestuff/ $0} Change the filepath to match the directory you saved to and you should be good to go. *>journal -u Tabris I just got mumejournal working! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug reports, comments, and suggestions are welcome and should be directed @Tabris via MUMEmail.