*>ask aldereon istari; ask aldereon focus Aldereon says 'An age ago, the lands of the Utter West were lost in the' Aldereon says 'refashioning of the World. Yet, there are still those who sail' Aldereon says 'the Straight Road, and come to the shores of Eldamar and the' Aldereon says 'cleft that leads below Taniquentil into Valinor, the Blessed' Aldereon says 'Lands of the Valar.' Aldereon seems lost in thought. Aldereon says 'Mighty are the enchantments of that land, far greater than has' Aldereon says 'ever existed elsewhere since.' Aldereon says 'And so it is, that a few dare to journey thence to forge an' Aldereon says 'item from their very essence. Three enchanted pools there are,' Aldereon says 'crafted by the Eldar long ago: of the Sun and the Moon, and' Aldereon says 'not least of these is dedicated to the Stars which have shone' Aldereon says 'since the earliest days. These pools hold still potent magics' Aldereon says 'which can be drawn upon by dipping the desired item.' Aldereon thinks till it hurts. Aldereon says 'Several are the items that legends of old have fashioned' Aldereon says 'before the great lamp which shines across Shadowmere, in fair' Aldereon says 'Tirion upon green Tuna. But though every focus is unique, each' Aldereon says 'and every one is dependent on the enchantments that lie' Aldereon says 'eternally in Aman. So it is, that this link with the West must' Aldereon says 'be maintained for the work to come to fruition. Hence, the' Aldereon says 'Wise of old incorporated a memory in their work - a shard of' Aldereon says 'blue Aramel that is sung about in tales of the West.' Aldereon ponders life, the universe, and everything. Aldereon says 'As I have said, some few leave for the lands now hidden, and' Aldereon says 'return with a focus of their own choosing and devising. But' Aldereon says 'some smaller part of these, return to mortal lands with a far' Aldereon says 'greater gift. These are the Istari, who petitioned Elbereth' Aldereon says 'upon snowy Taniquentil, and they return to aid in the struggle' Aldereon says 'against oppression. Not through force of arms do they seek to' Aldereon says 'overcome the Dark Lord, but through the instruction of the' Aldereon says 'younger races and reminding them that they are not forsaken by' Aldereon says 'the Valar of the West.'