"SPELL LIST" Level Magic User spells: Cleric spells: 1 Magic Missile (3) Detect Evil (5) Ventriloquate (5) Cure Light (10) 2 Detect Magic (5) Create Water (5) Detect Invisibility (5) Detect Poison (5) 3 Chill Touch (5) Create Food (5) Armour (30) Smother (5) 4 Create Light (5) Cure Blindness (5) Locate Magic (20) Protection From Evil (20) 5 Burning Hands (7) Bless (5) Shroud (5) Cure Serious (15) 6 Locate (20) Blindness (10) Find the Path (21) Cure Disease (15) 7 Night Vision (25) Strength (20) Shocking Grasp (9) Sense Life (5) Call Familiar (15) 8 Teleport (35) Summon (50) Earthquake (15) Poison (10) 9 Lightning Bolt (11) Cure Critic (20) Block Door (30) Remove Poison (5) 10 Control Weather (25) Breath of Briskness (25) Store (25) Curse (20) 11 Colour Spray (13) Divination (25) Locate Life (20) Word of Recall (5) 12 Call Lightning (15) Dispel Evil (20) Enchant (90) Remove Curse (10) 13 Shield (30) Energy Drain (35) Scry (20) Darkness (25) 14 Charm (20) Heal (50) Sleep (15) Transfer (50) 15 Fireball (15) Fear (20) Identify (90) Harm (25) 16 Dispel Magic (35) Black Breath (25) Watch Room (30) 17 Silence (15) Break Door (50) Hold (25) 18 Portal (90) Raise Dead (50) Magic Blast (50) Sanctuary (50) Special spells: Create Focus Corrupt The value in parentheses is the least mana the spell will require without special objects/effects. You can find out more information by asking people who teach the spells. Make sure you speak a language that they understand. Note that there might exist some objects that will add to the power or ability of a spell caster, e.g. by reducing the mana cost of spells. If you wish to see technical game information about a spell, type 'HELP ', and if you wish to learn more about how it works you can ask your local guildmaster about it by typing 'ask help '. Example: > ask sorcerer help shield See also: SPELLS, CAST, MAGIC, BACKFIRE