DAWN DUSK MONTHS The names of the months in Westron and Sindarin are detailed below, along with the times of dawn and dusk during each month. Season Westron Sindarin Dawn Dusk ---------------------------------------------------- Winter Afteryule Narwain 8 am 6 pm Solmath Nínui 9 am 5 pm Rethe Gwaeron 8 am 6 pm Spring Astron Gwirith 7 am 7 pm Thrimidge Lothron 7 am 8 pm Forelithe Nórui 6 am 8 pm Summer Afterlithe Cerveth 5 am 9 pm Wedmath Úrui 4 am 10 pm Halimath Ivanneth 5 am 9 pm Autumn Winterfilth Narbeleth 6 am 8 pm Blotmath Hithui 7 am 8 pm Foreyule Birithron 7 am 7 pm The times of dawn and dusk/night can also be found when typing Help and the month name. Example: help astron See also: TIME DAY